Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yellow Mustard

Riding around a new area here in Tennessee I spotted what I thought was so neat. Now I have seen this wild mustard weed growing all over the place in little spots here and there but not so much in one plot of land. To see these milk cows all laying down on a bed of them was a sight to see. This was taken from my car so as not to disturb them. You can see further back where more of this was growing.


  1. This is a beautiful picture-it almost looks like a painting. I would love to have that hanging in my kitchen.

  2. Diane -- Yes, you certainly do have lots of wild mustard in your fields. I was thinking -- is wild mustard a good pasture crop for cows? I really don't need an answer as it looks like the cows are surviving very well. -- barbara

  3. It's a lovely picture and I'll answer Barbara's question having been a farm girl. No, wild mustard isn't great for milk cows [I don't know about the nutritional value or ease of digestion for the cows] but it flavors the milk in a very unappetizing way. The same thing happens if they eat wild onions or garlic -- yuck for those drinking the milk. [I suppose almost no one does that these days.]
