Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Estate Sale

I went on a visit to Maryland last week and while there I went to an Estate Sale.

There were seven rooms of things to choose from and I am showing you four items I picked up and guess how much it cost me! Nothing! It was at my daughters home and she was down sizing her abode and I went up there to help her get things priced etc. I picked out a few things and was willing to pay for them but you know how families are......

Her Estate sale was a very good one and very successful and we took home a car full of things I just couldn't let her sell. Isn't that just nice of me :)

These bunnies were just perfect for Easter filled with jelly beans. This other urn is beautifully handcarved with flowers and birds on it. Yes, birds. Would you believe I like birds?


  1. I don't think it's a bad thing that you came home with a car full of things! I love birds too! Sweet nest that you took a photo of.
    Easter Blessings!

  2. I'm sure she really appreciated the help! Glad you were able to take home some wonderful items!

  3. Diane -- OH -- estate sales are do much fun to browse. Your estate sale just happened to be your daughter's -- and what gems you found. The price was right too. -- barbara

  4. Wow, you went to the best estate sale in town! Usually they are so over priced LOL!! Thank you for dropping by and good luck on my giveaway!

